The Kitchen

cupcakes32I work with food everyday and I get my recipes from all over- cookbooks, the internet, my own kitchen experiments, and from trusted cooks like friends and family. As a food stylist, I make food look as appetizing as possible for the camera. But here in my “real kitchen”, I want my recipes to look just like the way it is cooked. And although sometimes I may be inspired to prop it up a bit, I’ll make sure that the food’s untouched by my styling tweezers!

What you will find here are recipes that have been tested and tasted in one kitchen or another. This can range from the most common and simplest dish, to something unheard of and came out of my stovetop curiosity to put two and two together . I also get recipes for my shoots of course and will be posting them as well!

I always give credit to my source and if you have something delicious to share do email me at

Happy Cooking!

Chiqui Lloren-Obcemea


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